This error means that your device is connected to the network, that will not work with Honeygain. Before our application starts sharing your internet resources with the Honeygain network, it checks your IP if it is compatible with our network using database as well as other databases. Every IP address is grouped into 12 usage types based on the function of the organization/business unit. Honeygain supports all IP types, except for Data Center (DCH), Organization (ORG), Reserved (RSV), Military (MIL), and Government (GOV) IP types.
To check the usage type of your IP address, go to and do a look up on your IP as it is shown on the screenshot below.
After that, look for the Usage Type. If it says Data Center just like in the screenshot below or Reserved, it means that your IP is not supported and that you should get in touch with your ISP provider and request an IP that is not flagged as Data Center (DCH) or Reserved (RSV) type IP, as Honeygain does not work with these types of IP addresses. However, if you are assigned with dynamically changing IP address, try restarting your router, as this can cause your ISP to assign you with a different IP address that might not be flagged as a Data Center type IP address.