- Firstly open Settings application on your Windows PC (Windows 10 and Windows 11). Then navigate to Apps section, then Apps & features.
- Then find Honeygain application and click on Uninstall
- Uninstall wizard will remove Honeygain application from your device.
- Click on Search and search for Run application and open it
- Enter %appdata% and click on OK
- Remove Honeygain folder
- In order to completely remove Honeygain on MacOS devices, we highly recommend using a great and free application called AppCleaner
- After you have AppCleaner downloaded and installed on your MacOS device, make sure you have closed Honeygain application on your device.
- Open AppCleaner application and click on the button to open a list of installed applications on your macOS device.
- Find Honeygain application, click on it and click on Remove. AppCleaner will uninstall Honeygain and all residual files that it might leave after uninstall.
Android and iOS devices
To uninstall the Honeygain application on Android and iOS devices, simply uninstall it like any other application. Please refer to these official instructions:
Android -